Monday, February 27, 2012

Access remote shared space from PCManFM

  • PCManFM uses SSHFS to connect to mount and interact with files and directories located on remote system.
  • Methods 1 and 2 (below) have been tested on PCManFM 0.9.9.

Method 1:
  1. Open PCManFM.
  2. Type following in address/location bar (and then press Enter/Return key):
    where user is your username on remote server, server is remote server's URL/IP and /dir/to/mount is a directory on remote system which you need to access (you need to have appropriate access privileges on the directory on remote server to be able to access it).
  3. Depending on your connection speed, a new window will open prompting you to "Enter password for ssh as user on server". Enter your password in the text box (and then press Enter/Return key again).
This will connect you to your remote shared space in PCManFM.

Method 2:
  1. Mount a remote SSHFS share using:
    sshfs user@server: /path/to/mount/point
    where user is your username on remote server, server is remote server's URL/IP and /path/to/mount/point is the mount point on your local system.
  2. Browse to mount point (specified in previous command) in PCManFM.
  3. To unmount from a remote SSHFS share:
    fusermount -u /path/to/mount/point
PS: Methods 1 and 2 (above) are same (in the context of approach they take to mount a remote SSHFS share).

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